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With a design team having a combined 60+ years of experience, Chadan has the capability to provide our clients with services for a wide variety of developments.  With the project manager also being the CAD operator, the manager will have an intimate knowledge of the project and ability to quickly and accurately respond to any concerns or questions that the client or permit agency may have, thus saving time and resources for the client.  Chadan has developed the following process to ensure the project’s greatest success.




Due Diligence


Due Diligence is the most important phase of the design process.  Communicating early with local zoning boards, utility departments, state transportation agencies and other review agencies allows Chadan to compile information that could eliminate the need for costly change orders as the project proceeds.  In addition, working with the architect allows the opportunity to utilize the site to control construction costs.  We keep the client involved in this process as new information becomes available.



Conceptual Planning


Conceptual planning allows Chadan to compile a set of schematics that reveals any obstacles the project needs to overcome.  Often, several plans are developed and presented to the client for discussion and consideration.  This conceptual plan is used to develop a preliminary site construction budget, which Chadan Engineering prepares.



Construction Documents


Once the conceptual plan is agreed upon, Chadan will proceed to construction documents.  This phase includes the complete site design, including grading and drainage planning, utility designs, ingress and egress planning, stormwater management and control plans.  Stormwater pollution prevention planning and all construction details and specifications needed to successfully complete the development are also included.  Chadan remains in constant communication with the client and design team throughout this phase and conducts several meetings to review the plans at various stages of the design. 



Permitting Process


Chadan manages all site permits for the client and will submit directly to all review agencies.  We allow the agency enough time to complete a review, but will contact them periodically to offer any information that may be needed to move the process forward.  Chadan addresses any comments and revision requests promptly as to not create any delay in the client’s construction timeline.  By meeting with the review agencies during the due diligence phase of the project, often this phase is completed without any major revisions. 



Project Closeout


Once the project is permitted and construction documents issued, Chadan completes an internal review of the project.  This allows us to address any issues that may have evolved and adjust the process for the next job.  We also reach out to the client, the client’s design team, as well as the reviewing agencies for comments about the process.  Chadan Engineering is continually looking to improve our process to benefit the client.


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Office.  Teamwork in the field of projec
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